How to prepare for your photoshoot…
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What to expect…
The headshot experience is always very positive in my experience but it can be quite nerve-wracking if you have never done it before. For that reason I’ve outlined some things in the sections below that might help you prepare a little.
It’s also quite common to bring someone along with you for support and I am more than happy with that. Whatever I can do to help you be relaxed and feel at home in the studio is a win.
You will find the session very quiet and laid back and in the hour we will aim to get between 4 and 6 images with slightly different looks. I will always build in some leeway for the shoot so don’t worry about running out of time.
From the moment you book a session with me I am available to answer any questions you might have prior to the shoot. Anything at all, just ask.
Weeks before
Think about what clothes you will be wearing…
Avoid bright colours
Avoid busy patterns
Avoid logos
Avoid big and bold jewellery
Bright pastels are generally to be avoided. The main point of interest in the image is you so we will aim not to have any distractions that will draw the eyes away from you.
White on a white background is generally not advised
Black on a black background is fine
Layers are good e.g. a white shirt/blouse under a black jacket or cardigan on a black or white background is fine
Dress to compliment your features…
Green eyes…consider a green top
Blues eyes…consider a grey, black, blue top
Red hair…consider earthy tones to compliment
Bring a small selection of clothes of different styles and colours
Make sure the clothes are clean and ironed
The day before
Drink plenty of water. Your skin will thank you for it.
Try not to have too wild a night. You don’t want to be tired and no matter what you may have heard, you cannot Photoshop away a Hangover
Think about putting a playlist of your favourite music together. We can play that during the shoot.
On the day
Important: If you are going to be late then just let me know. Don’t get stressed about it and don’t bust a gut running from the train station to turn up at the studio with a red blothcy face, covered in sweat with your hair everywhere :-) It’s far more important that you are relaxed and happy. I build in leeway for every shoot and worst case, we can reschedule to later that day or another day. That is by far my preferred approach so don’t stress.
Arrange the timing of your shoot so that you will be able to have a relaxed morning and get to the shoot with time to spare
If you plan to have hair and makeup done before the shoot allow a couple of hours extra as it’s common for this to overrun and there may be other headshot sessions on the day.
It is advisable to bring transluscent powder in case your skin is shiny on the day. I have some in the studio but you are always better to bring your own.
There are the following facilities in the studio
Disabled access and lift
Large disabled toilet with full length mirror and disabled facilities
Desk with makeup mirror
Clothes rack
Coffee/Tea making
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